Where is?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sorry it has been a minute guys since I last posted. I have been outside rambling about the country with a camera in hand. Anyway lets get to the point. I have a ton of great music to post for you guys today. Probably some Dubstep, Electronica, Hip Hop and general indie stuff. Enjoi.

What can I say about this guy...He is amazing and virtually unkown.  Hooky brings a quality sound that many fail to do.
See for yourself. 
Hooky-When you wake Up

Gorillaz-Rhinestone Eyes (Hooky Remix)

Gorillaz-Rhinestone Eyes (Hooky Remix)



Pretty Lights

Hot Like Dimes

A Million Tomorrows

Pretty Lights-Spilling Over Every Side-EP
Above is the entire EP for download.

I will be back shortly to post more.

Hope this will help some of you.....you know who you are.

Symptomatic treatment I: If you really want to kick, but you need some "help", you can "symptomatically" treat the sickness which means you take medication for individual problems. Being realistic, you can not "cure" yourself of the sickness, the only way to achieve that is A) Time or B) Alkaloids or Pharmaceuticals. These OTC medications are useful however, and will not extend the severe phase of kicking:

*Loperamide (Imodium) - can be bought OTC to effectively control acute diarrhea and abdominal cramps

*Aleve (Naproxen) - An OTC NSAID that will help with the dull aches and pain, as well as fever (2x daily)

*Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) - An OTC Anti-histimine/mild CNS depressant, alleviates lacrimation (eyes tearing up randomly), burning of the nose, sneezing, etc.

*Valerian Root (Herbal caps) - OTC herbal supplement that has GABA agonist effect and relieves anxiety and helps you feel more calm, OD is NOT advised; although if you are in an extreme acute insomnia bout; a Valerian capsule OD (~20-40 caps) should knock you out.

*Epsom salt- If one can possibly withstand taking a warm bath, liberally use Epsom salt throughout the bath and this helps to relax you, as well as clean all that dope sick grime off.

*Multi-vitimin- Self-explanatory basically, your body needs nutrients to produce neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, and maintain the actual neurons of the CNS/PNS.

*Magnesium supplements- Opioids deplete this among many things in the body...

*Calcium supplements- Opioids deplete calcium...also helps the nervous system

*Multi-amino acid supplement- Opioids disrupt neuropeptide & transmitter actions, multiple amino acids provide the "building blocks" to help your body build back up the endorphins, enkephelins, and dopamine it needs to function. (particularly Phenylalanine & Tyrosine are helpful)

*DLPA - (DL-Phenylalanine) - Amino acid supplement that acts as an enkephelin inhibitor; liberal dosing can shorten the overall amount of time sick. I consider this very beneficial. It does not have so much of an acute effect, but it really seems to reduce the time suffering severe symptoms, imho. Those that plan to completely abstain from opioids long-term - make this part of your treatment regimen.

Symptomatic treatment II:

Controlled substances that relieve some symptoms of narcotic abstinence syndrome-


*Benzodiazipines. (preferrably 2 mg of Klonopin (clonazepam) or Xanax (alprazolam) 3x or more daily, or equivalent in other benzos...[Klonopin & Xanax are equal in potency. 10 mg Valium (diazepam) = 0.5 Klonopin or Xanax.]

*Ambien, Sonata, Lunesta- benzo-related GABA agonists that are used as hypnotics. Junk sick users will have to take a liberal dose- and/or augment a single dose with a benzo

Anti-histimine sedatives:

* Phenegran (Promethazine) - Sedative, anti-emetic (prevents nausea & vomiting)

* Vistaril or Atarax (Hydroxyzine) -Sedative, mild muscle relaxant, mild analgesic, anti-emetic)

Muscle Relaxants:

* Zanaflex - Acts similar to clonidine as well as traditional muscle relaxants (GABA agonist) * Soma (Carisoprodol) - Effective muscle relaxant. Helpful especially in synergy with a benzo.

* Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) - Long acting muscle relaxant, similar to Soma but less potent imo

Other Drugs:

*Catapres (Clonidine)- Acts directly on alpha-adrenergic receptors; ultimately reducing norepinephrine output and easing some of the symptoms of withdrawal.

*Remeron (Mirtazapine)- Tetracyclic antidepressant that has unique effects; very sedative

* "New anti-psychotic drugs" like Seroquel & Geodon have such complex pharmacology that they inevitably help junk sickness thru its (in the end, anyway) partial agonist/antagonist @ selective serotonin sites' mechanism, balancing out levels of dopamine, alpha-adrenergic properties similar to clonidine, and as a side effect they are sedating as well...(They also seem to cause moderate miosis as well- like high doses of the tetracyclic antidepressants [Mirtazapine, Nefazodone].)

1) Stay positive. No matter how excruciating the pain is, or how burning cold your feverish chills are, no matter how annoying symptoms like yawning and tears are, it is imperative to keep a positive attitude.

2) Drink as much fluids as possible. Limit caffeinated products if not stopping the use of caffeine and other stimulants completely!

3) Try to learn to control your breathing. Breathe fresh air - Inhale deeply through the nose, and if you have to, exhale through the mouth.

4) Meditate. It takes an INCREDIBLE amount of will and mental resilience to do this, but if you learn to control your breathing you will soon be able to achieve therapeutic meditation- and if you can do this while sick, if only for a few moments, you can make it!

5) Learn to "adapt to discomfort"...(Trust me, its somewhat possible, but takes a lot of time & willpower)...don't feel bad if you need to use some other drugs to do it. Just stay clear and focused on your goals for kicking & most importantly treating it.)